Saturday, January 16, 2010

Miracle on Beretania St.

Today I was blessed by a real, live angel. A hairy, stinky angel walking around Chinatown peddling hot super glue.

For some time now I've been having a problem with the safety of my speargun, an evil mechanism which is basically like a parasite on my gun. From time to time it surreptitiously slides to the safe setting, unbeknownst to me until I sneak up on a nice fish like an 8th degree black belt ninja grand master and then can't pull the trigger (at which point my frustration peaks with a crescendo of profanity through my snorkel). I was slapped in the face with this curse yesterday (which was a tough day of fishing even without gear malfunction), so I finally decided to take matters into my own destructive hands and fix that gun. However, my despair reached rock bottom when I found we were out of Super Glue, which I intended to use to permanently glue the safety off, or more likely, to accidently glue my finger to the safety, so I would always know it's exact position. Dark times indeed.

But today I was walking back to my car across from Aala Park with a bag full of bananas and bitter melon when the heavens parted. I didn't actually see the event when this Saint of Super Glue, Angel of Adhesives, came fluttering down from the clouds. By the time I saw him he was hobbling down the sidewalk looking like a living reminder to get your vaccinations. Then he asked me, with the voice of an angel that has been punched in the throat a few times, if I wanted to buy some super glue for $1. In the store it is $5, he informed me. I was dumbstruck by my coincidental, divinely coincidental even, need for some super glue. Not too dumb to fail to take advantage of the bargain though.

Clearly it is God's will that I buy that stolen glue, fix my gun, and use it to kill fish like a mighty oil spill. I don't plan to disappoint Him.

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